Teething Troubles: How to Help Your Baby Through the Process

Teething is a challenging time for both parents and babies. The discomfort, disrupted sleep, and constant drooling can make the experience tough on your little one – and, by extension, on you. Fortunately, there are ways to make this period more manageable and help ease your baby’s discomfort.

What Is Teething and When Does It Start?

Teething usually begins between 4 to 7 months, but some babies start earlier or later. This process continues until around 30 months or so when the full set of 20 primary teeth has come in. Symptoms include fussiness, increased drooling, chewing on objects, and mild swelling of the gums.

How to Recognize Teething Pain in Your Baby

Teething trouble and discomfort can vary widely between babies. If your baby is excessively drooling, biting, or appears irritable without other signs of illness, teething could be the cause. You may also notice your baby rubbing their gums or tugging at their ear on the side where a tooth is coming in.

Tips to Ease Teething Trouble and Discomfort

1. Use Cold Compresses

A chilled (not frozen) teething ring or damp washcloth can offer relief. The coolness helps numb the gums and reduces swelling, which can soothe your baby.

2. Give Teething Toys

Babies find comfort in chewing. A soft, clean teething toy is safe for them to bite and can help ease the pressure on their gums. Be sure to wash the toy regularly and avoid toys with liquids or gels that could leak. 

3. Try Gentle Gum Massage

With clean fingers, gently rubbing your baby’s gums can provide instant relief. Some babies find it comforting, while others may not, so observe your baby’s reaction.

4. Offer Safe, Chilled Foods (For Babies Eating Solids)

If your baby has started eating solid foods, giving them chilled foods like yogurt or applesauce can be soothing. Avoid foods that can pose a choking hazard, such as small or hard foods.

5. Maintain Their Regular Sleeping and Feeding Routine

Teething may cause slight changes in your baby’s routine, but consistency can provide comfort. Try to stick to regular sleep and feeding times to maintain a sense of normalcy. 

6. Consider Using Over-the-Counter Pain Relief (As Directed)

For some babies, teething discomfort can be severe. You may consult your pediatrician about safe, age-appropriate pain relief. Ensure you’re following your doctor’s recommendations for safe use.

Avoid Certain Remedies

Some teething products contain ingredients that could be harmful to babies. This includes ingredients such as benzocaine, which has been linked to potential health risks in infants. Additionally, steer clear of teething necklaces or bracelets, which can pose choking or strangulation hazards.

When to Consult a Pediatrician

Teething symptoms should not cause high fever, severe pain, or extended loss of appetite. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your pediatrician to rule out other issues that might require attention.

Make Teething Troubles Easier for Your Baby with NY Dental Boutique

Teething can be a difficult time for both babies and parents, but with the right guidance and care, the process can be much more manageable. At NY Dental Boutique, we understand the challenges parents face during this phase, and we’re here to provide support with our specialized pediatric dentistry services. From managing teething discomfort to addressing any concerns about your child’s dental health, our team of the best Brooklyn dentists is here to help.

We offer personalized care in Brooklyn, NY, designed to keep your little one’s smile on track. If you ever find yourself in need of advice or treatment during this stage of your child's development, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us today to learn more about our trusted dental clinic in Brooklyn!



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