Clear Aligner Therapy in Brooklyn

What is a clear aligner therapy?

Clear aligner therapy, also known as CAT, is a dental treatment method that utilizes custom-made, clear plastic aligners to gradually straighten teeth. These aligners are designed to apply gentle, consistent pressure to the teeth, effectively addressing issues such as crowding or gaps. Clear aligner therapy is an excellent option for individuals looking to discreetly improve their smile. It's also worth noting that clear aligners have the potential to produce faster results when compared to traditional metal braces.Clear aligner therapy, or CAT, is a custom-made clear dental appliance that gradually straightens a patient’s smile by applying gentle, consistent pressure to the teeth. Patients struggling with crowded or gapped teeth may be suitable candidates for clear aligner therapy. Because the aligners are made of clear thermoplastic material, CAT is a great solution for patients looking to discreetly align their smile.

Did you know…

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In some cases, clear aligners can provide faster results than traditional braces.

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The Clear Aligner Therapy Process

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When you meet with your dentist for a consultation, they will assess if clear aligner therapy is an appropriate option for you. The dentist will first examine your gum and teeth for any issues such as gaps or crowding. They will also discuss your desired outcome for your smile and create a personalized treatment plan specifically for you.

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Impressions and Digital Imaging

Your dentist will take a series of digital images of your mouth as well as a scan of your teeth, known as a digital impression.
Your dentist will use a 3-D scanner that will take an accurate scan of your mouth without any mess. Once this is complete, your dentist will send the images and impressions to a special laboratory to make your first several sets of clear aligners.

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Fitting and Next Steps

Once your aligners are complete, your dentist will check them to ensure proper fit and alignment. You’ll wear each set per the dentist’s instructions, usually for 20-22 hours each day, and switch them out every 2 weeks. Every 6 weeks or more, you’ll stop by our office to pick up your next few sets of aligners and so the doctor can check your teeth to make sure they’re tracking.

Types of Clear Aligners

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OrthoFX is a revolutionary clear aligner therapy that is made with you in mind. Using our proprietary 3-layer polymer called FXTetra, for faster, more comfortable results than the alternative. They are durable, virtually invisible when worn, and custom-crafted for your unique needs. Plus, with outstanding levels of customer support, you can rest easy knowing that your smile is in good hands with both your dentist, and the OrthoFX team.

Did you know…

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There are no limitations to the foods you can eat while wearing clear aligners.

Interested in aligning your teeth?

call (718) 484-1560 to book an appointment

Have questions about clear aligner therapy? Find answers here.

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How do clear aligners work?

Clear aligners work by gradually shifting teeth over an extended period of time. Each aligner is custom-made to fit your teeth and slightly reposition them. The aligners are replaced every two weeks until the desired result is achieved. The treatment can take up to a year for some cases.

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Are clear aligners safe?

Clear aligners are considered safe as they are made of medical-grade, BPA-free plastic, making them comfortable to wear. Clear aligners are also faster than traditional braces in some cases, as they gently push all teeth as a whole, while braces pull each tooth individually.

Are clear aligners faster than traditional braces?

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While time frames vary based on each individual patient’s needs, clear aligner therapy is known to provide quicker results than traditional braces. This is because aligners gently push on all teeth as a whole, whereas braces pull each tooth individually. In order to achieve the results you are looking for, it is crucial to follow your dentist’s instructions for wearing your custom-made clear aligners.

What is the difference between clear alignment therapy and traditional braces?

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The main difference between clear aligners and traditional braces is the appearance and comfort. Clear aligners are virtually invisible and don't have metal brackets or wires, making them more discreet. They are also removable, so you can take them out for certain occasions. However, clear aligners may not be suitable for everyone, such as for severe misalignment or malpositioned jaw. In those cases, traditional braces may offer a more powerful orthodontic treatment.

How much do clear aligners cost?

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The cost of clear aligners is different for each patient. Factors that may affect the cost of your clear aligner therapy include the aligner brand, appointment and visits, insurance type, and more. The best way to find out how much you’ll pay for clear aligner therapy is to schedule a consultation with your dentist.

Did you know…

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Clear aligners are removable and easy to clean.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

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